Sometimes our body tries to alert us that something inside is wrong, but we don’t listen! Many times we learn to live with these signals and we just pay attention when the problem is too big or irreversible, so it is very important to learn how to listen to our body to avoid further damages.
These signals can alert us from not just physical health issues, but also from mental health issues, from a digestive problem to an eating disorder, from a serious illness to stress. All of them have signals!.
When it comes to physical health issues we normally go to the doctor pretty quickly. But what happens when our body is giving us signals about our mental health? Are we so keen to identify the signals or to seek professional advice?
Unfortunately NO!
So, here is my advice pretty people. Even if you haven’t noticed any signals, take time every week for…
For a self-examination. Analize yourself, your personality, your actions and reactions, your motivations…Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, your verbal and non verbal communication.
Is everything looking fine? Cool! Continue doing what you are doing!
Is there anything that you feel is not right or that makes you feel uncomfy? Identify what it is, the origin of it and how to stop it or to change it, and if you realise you can’t do it by yourself, ask for help or seek the advice of professionals.
Remember that you are more than just a body, you are a precious human being that deserves to feel good from the inside to the outside!.
Send me an email to for more information about how exercising regularly can help you to feel better inside out!