When you buy a carpet, do you expect it to fly and to save you from buying the next flight tickets? I tried…but it didn’t work.

This is exactly what many people expect from diets and training programs: MAGIC AND IMMEDIATE RESULTS!
When we are desperate to get results, we get impatient, in many occasion we stop thinking clearly and we want to believe that anything that is labelled as “quick and easy” is our magic solution, but unfortunately it isn’t. So, the next time you think about living a healthier life, getting more active, looking leaner or building muscle bear in mind that:

-What is worthy in this life is never ever given for free, and this is exactly what makes it worthy.

-If getting leaner or building muscle was so easy, everybody would be lean and showing off a muscled body.

-Unrealistic goals will make you feel frustrated, so set short and long term SMART and 100% personalized goals.

-It is better to take your time while building new habits. You are more likely to stick to gradual changes than to radical changes.

-Enjoy every single progress you make. You can progress only when you do a good job!.

-Without mental and physical health, you won’t enjoy life like you should, so try to focus more on being healthy rather than just looking “better”.

Drop me an email to see how we can work together towards your goals:

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